At 14:00 local time on the 22nd November we sailed into Coffs Harbour and made landfall, Australia.
The last two days were slow going and we had our spinnaker up for 48 hrs straight, a first for me to sail through the night with it up.
Clearing Australian customs and immigration was easy enough and the authorities were polite and efficient without being officious. They confiscated a few food items which was expected.
Coffs Harbour was damaged in a recent storm so there are no marina slips available so we are anchored in the outer Harbour which is a bit rolly.
It's wonderful to be here and it feels slightly surreal for the three of us. We now look forward to working our way down the coast to Sydney.
Tuesday, November 22, 2016
Sunday, November 20, 2016
Passage report
Report as at 20:00 UTC 20/11/16 21st (7am in Sydney)
Position 28.44S 155.38E
Course 233T
Speed 3.5kts
Wind speed 9kts Easterly
Seas 1m NE
Distance to Coffs Harbour, Australia 160nm
As you can see from the report above the winds have lightened to less than 10 knots and are now from the east. We raised the spinnaker yesterday afternoon and decided to leave it up through the night rather than turn the motor on. The forecast was for winds of the same through the night and tomorrow so we decided that it was safe to leave the spinnaker up but we would watch the barometer to see if it would drop or rise, signaling a possible increase in wind. We are supposed to be in he middle of a ridge, hence the low wind speeds. We have decided to head to Coffs Harbour rather than carry on down the coast as a low pressure system will effect the Newcastle region on Wednesday bringing strong southerly winds so we will wait it out in Coffs.
Last night was wonderful: the seas were flat as we drifted down wind with the large bright spinnaker dragging us along. We could walk around the boat without having to hold onto the grab rails and Jude cooked a delicious roast chicken supper with all the trimmings which we ate in the cockpit as the sun gently dropped below the horizon. We were going slowly but it was lovely.
We have seen no wildlife since the Dolphins gave us the send off from Noumea that is apart from the growing number of jelly-fish which signals our arrival into the Australian waters and all the deadly creatures it holds.
As we approach the coast of Australia our excitement is building, this day has been a long time coming and mostly it has seem too far off to think about but now we are just a few hours away. We are trying to eat all our food that would be confiscated if we bring it into Australia, basically anything it seems.
Position 28.44S 155.38E
Course 233T
Speed 3.5kts
Wind speed 9kts Easterly
Seas 1m NE
Distance to Coffs Harbour, Australia 160nm
As you can see from the report above the winds have lightened to less than 10 knots and are now from the east. We raised the spinnaker yesterday afternoon and decided to leave it up through the night rather than turn the motor on. The forecast was for winds of the same through the night and tomorrow so we decided that it was safe to leave the spinnaker up but we would watch the barometer to see if it would drop or rise, signaling a possible increase in wind. We are supposed to be in he middle of a ridge, hence the low wind speeds. We have decided to head to Coffs Harbour rather than carry on down the coast as a low pressure system will effect the Newcastle region on Wednesday bringing strong southerly winds so we will wait it out in Coffs.
Last night was wonderful: the seas were flat as we drifted down wind with the large bright spinnaker dragging us along. We could walk around the boat without having to hold onto the grab rails and Jude cooked a delicious roast chicken supper with all the trimmings which we ate in the cockpit as the sun gently dropped below the horizon. We were going slowly but it was lovely.
We have seen no wildlife since the Dolphins gave us the send off from Noumea that is apart from the growing number of jelly-fish which signals our arrival into the Australian waters and all the deadly creatures it holds.
As we approach the coast of Australia our excitement is building, this day has been a long time coming and mostly it has seem too far off to think about but now we are just a few hours away. We are trying to eat all our food that would be confiscated if we bring it into Australia, basically anything it seems.
Friday, November 18, 2016
Position report
As of 17.40 UTC
Our current position is 25.58S 159.29E
Heading 231 True
Speed 6 kts
Wind speed 17 Knots from the East
Seas 1.5m waves with 3 m long period swell from the east.
Distance traveled: 447nm
Distance to Sydney: 670nm
The last couple of days have been pretty good as the seas have been relatively benign and the winds constant at around 17-22 knots from the SE giving a nice beam reach, the only downside being that we have had a 1-1.5kt current against us and which meant that instead of averaging 7.5 to 8kts we have only been averaging 6.5kts.
The winds have now turned to the east and have lightened so we have slowed down somewhat and a further decrease in wind is forecast over the next couple of days.
We are now heading for Coffs Harbour and will see what the weather looks like as we approach the coast to decide if we check in at Coffs or carry on to Newcastle or Sydney. Should know is a couple of days.
Everybody is well onboard. Jude's leg is recovering nicely and Katya has been crocheting something.
radio email processed by SailMail
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Our current position is 25.58S 159.29E
Heading 231 True
Speed 6 kts
Wind speed 17 Knots from the East
Seas 1.5m waves with 3 m long period swell from the east.
Distance traveled: 447nm
Distance to Sydney: 670nm
The last couple of days have been pretty good as the seas have been relatively benign and the winds constant at around 17-22 knots from the SE giving a nice beam reach, the only downside being that we have had a 1-1.5kt current against us and which meant that instead of averaging 7.5 to 8kts we have only been averaging 6.5kts.
The winds have now turned to the east and have lightened so we have slowed down somewhat and a further decrease in wind is forecast over the next couple of days.
We are now heading for Coffs Harbour and will see what the weather looks like as we approach the coast to decide if we check in at Coffs or carry on to Newcastle or Sydney. Should know is a couple of days.
Everybody is well onboard. Jude's leg is recovering nicely and Katya has been crocheting something.
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Thursday, November 17, 2016
Position Report
En Route from New Caledonia to Coffs Harbour
UTC 19.40 UTC
Current Position 24.32S 161.38E
Heading 244T
Speed 6.5kts
Distance traveled 300nm
Wind speed 20kts SE
Seas 3m
We departed the lagoon in light winds with dolphins escorting us for a hour, one of which was quite a character, rolling over on his back and smiling at us and then stuck his tongue out! it was great to watch them.
Winds were light to start and we made slow progress at first but then the winds built to 17-20kts from the south with a nice current pushing us along. The seas built and unfortunately the current switched around and came on our nose so we have slowed down.
We are aiming to make landfall in Sydney but the current weather predictions make this unlikely so we will aim for either Coffs Harbour or New Castle.
All is well onboard
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for information see:
UTC 19.40 UTC
Current Position 24.32S 161.38E
Heading 244T
Speed 6.5kts
Distance traveled 300nm
Wind speed 20kts SE
Seas 3m
We departed the lagoon in light winds with dolphins escorting us for a hour, one of which was quite a character, rolling over on his back and smiling at us and then stuck his tongue out! it was great to watch them.
Winds were light to start and we made slow progress at first but then the winds built to 17-20kts from the south with a nice current pushing us along. The seas built and unfortunately the current switched around and came on our nose so we have slowed down.
We are aiming to make landfall in Sydney but the current weather predictions make this unlikely so we will aim for either Coffs Harbour or New Castle.
All is well onboard
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for information see:
Sunday, November 6, 2016
Passage report - Fiji-Vanuatu
Cove Fiji-Port Resolution,Vanuatu.
Distance: 460nm
Time taken: 74 hrs
Average speed: 6.2knots
The weather
forecast for the trip to Port Resolution for the prior week from our departure
was showing relatively light winds of 10knots or less from the east south east
and this would put us on a broad reach or running for our trip. Sarita really
needs 10 knots apparent wind on that point of sail to make any decent progress
and to stop the sails from flogging if the sea state creates a bit of roll,
hence we had delayed our departure. But now the wind was blowing and the
forecast was for 10-15kts but still from the E to SE but it was worth risking a
departure. At 8am we departed, motoring the short distance out of the pass to
Musket Cove and raised the sails and shot out of the main pass into the open
water. Wind being a beautiful 15 knots on our beam and seas of around 1m. We
were doing 7.5-8 knots. Great!
Dawn approach to Tanna |
As the day
progressed the wind shifted more east, behind us, and lightened. Our apparent
wind also shifted aft as our speed dropped and the wind headed to our stern,
finally the apparent wind shifted aft of the beam and our speed dropped to
around 4 knots. Urrrrrrr. Here is where I have to make a frustrating decision:
either stay on a direct rhumb line course to our destination at a speed of
4knots and listen to the occasional flogging of the sails -the seas were still
quite flat so it was not too bad – or head more on to the wind, and off course
to pick up speed and stop the sails flogging but knowing that the distance we
will have to travel will be longer. The fact of the matter is that I don’t mind
travelling longer of the ride is faster and more comfortable but what I always
worry about is a wind a further shift and lighter winds which would mean that
we might have to sit around waiting for more wind or motor having gone a
distance off course.
We decided
to risk the course change as the sails now were starting to flog more. We
headed south with our apparent wind at around 85 degrees. We used the WIND
setting on our SIMRAD autopilot which allows me to set the apparent wind angle
and the autopilot steers the boat to maintain the apparent wind angle. I do
this in order for the boat to head down, and back towards our rhumb line course
when we have a puff or when the wind changes. After 6 hours on the altered
course we were only 2 miles off course and we ran parallel to our rhumb line
course but we had lost quite a bit of time in making our decision. As the next
day came we had drifted a little further off the rhumb line but not too bad but
the winds were variable and shifting 15 degrees at times and becoming so light
at times that the sails flogged again.
On the
second day, when I was below, Jude started shouting that we had a fish on the
line so I came on deck and hauled the line in to find a lovely 48 ins long
Mahi-Mahi or Dorado. This is one of our favourite fish and were pleased to
catch it.
Mahi Mahi |
We wanted to
arrive in Port Resolution at dawn so as to anchor in daylight and sure enough
we were about 10 miles from our destination as dawn broke. As the sun rose
behind us we could see Mt Yassur volcano bellowing out large plumes of ash and
steam in eruptions about every 10 minutes. No fiery molten lava but it was an
impressive sight to see and reminded me of reading about captain Cooks first
sighting where in 1774 he said : a Volcano which threw up vast
quantities of fire and smoak and made a rumbling noise which was heard at a
good distance. It
was Captain Cook who named the harbour after Resolution, the vessel he was
sailing on. Like Cook we could not wait to do the hike up to the
crater, Cook however was no allowed as it was seen as tabu in those times.
Mt Yassur eruption on our approach to Port Resolution |
Did you know
that the national anthem of Vanuatu is called Yumi, yumi, yumi?,_Yumi,_Yumi
The seas had
picked up a bit along with the wind as it was forced around the southern tip of
the island and we dropped the sails outside of the bay and started the engine
to motor across the reef and into the bay where we dropped the anchor in 15f eet
of water surrounded by a black sand beach and verdant forest. Paradise
again! Our friends on Red Thread were
already in the anchorage having left a few hours before us. Glad they had a
fast passage.
Port Resolution with Mt Yassur in the background |
Overall it was a good and comfortable sail without event but I wish we had had
just a few more knots of wind as this would have allowed us to get the apparent
wind forward of the beam giving us a faster and more direct course. We had
reefed early on in the passage to slow us down (we were doing 8 knots) for a more
comfortable ride and a dawn arrival but in hindsight we should have stuck with
it. We should have also changed course onto the wind a little earlier as this
would have saved us a couple of hours. Hindsight is a wonderful thing.
Hopefully I will remember next time.
dropped the anchor and ensured we were secure we went below for a sleep,
pleased to be flat and stationary.
Tanna. Vanuatu
When we
awoke we went up on deck and surveyed the beautiful bay with children and men
paddling around in dugout outrigger canoes. Mt. Yassur volcano was just behind
us still spewing out ash and steam but luckily the prevailing wind was carrying
the effluent away from us. Steam and boiling water spurt out of crevices in the
rock surrounding the bay and we watched people bathe in the hot springs at the
water’s edge.
View out of Port Resolution |
Resolution is not a registered Port of Entry in Vanuatu but with prior written
permission the customs and immigration officials will travel the 1.5 hours
across the island to clear you in for a fee of course which worked out to be
about USD$50 in addition to the normal clearance fees of $48. This is a much
better arrangement than having to sail around the island to Lenakal to clear in
and then either sail back to Port Resolution or leave your boat in a poor
anchorage whilst visiting Port Resolution.
Port Resolution Yacht club |
Some other
friends of ours on Shuti, the only Israeli boat we have ever seen, arrived and
we went ashore with Neil from Red thread to try and contact the authorities to
tell them of our arrival. This is supposed to be done by contacting a gentleman
call Weri who owns the Port Resolution Yacht club, sounds prestigious to me,
who will call the relevant authorities and advise them of our arrival but when
we landed we were advised that Weri had driven to Lenakal. We searched for Stanley,
one of his brothers, who tried to call but the cell phone tower was out of
action. I went back to the boat and collected my Sat phone and managed to call
them and they said that they would be in Port Resolution in the early
We had had a
glimpse of the village when we went to call the officials but we were eager to
have a look around the village and arrange to go to the volcano. We piled into
the dinghy and motored ashore pulling it up on coral and pebble beach and
climbing the dirt path to the yacht club and then walking down the dirt road to
the village.
All of the
houses were made of wooden frames covered in palm or pandanus leaves, normally
only single rooms and about 20-30 feet in length. The village has a central
park or grassy area with settlement of houses arranged around this park which
we later found out were groups of houses of the same families.
Port Resolution village |
We walked
the short distance to the beach going along a path lined with thatched houses.
Just before we came to the beach we crossed the “Nakamal” which is the meeting
area for the men of the villages who meet here every afternoon about 4pm to
discuss local matters and drink kava. No women are allowed at these meetings and
ladies cannot even walk through this area when the men are meeting. As it was
before 3pm we all carried on to the beach.
There is a
small restaurant on the beach, if you can call it a restaurant as it is a
thatched single room house with one long table and a partitioned off kitchen
and sand floor. We arranged for Suzanne to cook for us where we would bring the
Mahi-mahi and she would make some other traditional dishes. Cost would be $7.5
for an adult and $4 for children. Not cheap but it would be an interesting
To walk
through the village of Port Resolution is truly like stepping back in time but
I imagine the people are far more welcoming than when Captain Cook came here in
1774 and I also imagine little has changed since then. We chatted to a few of
the villagers who all had excellent English, some telling us that they spoke up
to 5 languages. They were so welcoming.
Weri’s brother said that he could arrange to take us up to Mt Yassur in the
pick up so we negotiated a deal for the ten of us on Sarita, Red Thread and
Shuti to go for 1000 vatu each (aboutUSD$10) plus 2 gallons of diesel. This
price was just for the transport there and did not include the park entrance
fee which was 7,500 vatu - $75 each Ouch!!!! But we were more than willing to
pay the price to get close to an active volcano. We could walk the 2.5hrs each
way but would have to walk back in the dark, not something we particularly
wanted to do in an unknown environment, turns out it would have been fine and
we could have probably hitched a ride, probably not for 10 people though.
We walked
along the black volcanic ash and sand beaches finding large amounts of obsidian,
a volcanic glass rock.
Mt Yassur from above |
Chief carrying the kava root |
At 3pm we
all piled into Weri’s pick-up truck, 5 in the cab and 5 in the back, and
bounced along the dirt road to the Visitor center for Mt Yassur volcano. We
were greeted by some of the villagers who ran the operation and collected our
$75 each for the entrance fee. We then gathered in the Nakamal for a welcome
ceremony of traditional dancing and some lucky man was chosen to partake in the
drinking of the Kava root. The group then piled into yet more pick up trucks
and trundled some more up the dirt road to a staging post ¾ of the way up the
volcano. The excitement grew as we drove across the ash plain, void of
vegetation or anything else for that matter and stopped to walk up the final
100 meters or so to the crater rim. As we climbed the volcano erupted making
the earth shake and gave the sound of a very large train passing. Once at the
summit we could look down into the smoke and ash filled crater like a cauldron of
pungent smelling rock. There we waited for the next eruption and sure enough the
ground shook again and the most tremendous noise battered our ear drums. It sounded
like sitting next to an exceedingly large steam engine as the gases and rock
exploded out of the crater. I don’t think I am capable of explaining exactly
how it sounded but it truly left me speechless as one could feel and hear the
sheer power and ferocity of magma being forced up from earth core to the
surface. Wow!! Following each eruption there was a very strong smell of Sulphur,
sometimes overpowering, worse than smoking 20 B&H I reckon.
Dancing in the welcome ceromony |
We stayed at
the craters edge and watched multiple eruptions until the sun fell below the
horizon and darkness fell illuminating the molten rock being spewed up from the
volcano. We all watched in awe, not wanting to leave this place where many
people tick off a bucket list item, mine included.
One morning
we were awoken by a knocking on the hull of Sarita. I went up to see who it was
and found a man in a dug-out canoe beside our boat. He politely introduced
himself as Philemon and asked if it was possible for us to charge his phone as
his village did not have electricity. “Sure, glad to help” we chatted a while
and it turned out he was the chief of a number of villages in the area. He
invited us to come and see his village in the mountains, a 1 ½ hour walk each
way. We jumped at the opportunity for a guided walk through the forest to a
remote village so we arranged to meet him on the beach the following morning.
Philamon was
promptly waiting on the beach at 10am with his horse called Blacky and we
commenced our climb up the mountain to his village. The path was a single track
through dense forest but passed well cared for food gardens along the way. We
climbed up the hill to maybe 1500 feet before we came to a well maintained and
raked path lined with neatly trimmed shrubs with flowers and banana trees with
the volcano continuing its eruptions in the background.
He told us
that his lands extended far and that Mt Yassur Volcano was included in these
lands and that he was in a battle to reclaim the rights which had been taken
away by the government. He showed us papers of a land survey conducted in 1985
which showed his boundaries and was signed by the department of lands. Clearly
he wanted some help in trying to retrieve his rights.
Rose, cooked
us a lovely traditional meal of fish, yams, taro root and local cabbage and we
ate this in one of the thatched huts in the village, and Philamon told us
ancient tales. He then showed us to his collection of stones which he uses to summon
spirits to action. These spirits include the Yam, Shark, sea, Sky, Rain, Sun
etc and he believes that he can influence nature by working with the stones. Fascinating.
We walked
down the mountain a different way to that of our climb, this time walking
through dense forest to look at other gardens and sandalwood plantations and
eventually down to some steam springs by the edge of the bay. Wat a great day!
following morning there was another knock on the side of the boat. I came up
and this time a man called Patrick in his dug out canoe first gave me a bag of vegetables
and fruit and then a bag containing a rather dusty and rusty looking sound
speaker. He showed me the problems and asked if I could fix it. I said I would
have a go and asked him to come back in the afternoon. I took the speaker apart
and soldered some parts and sliced some new cable and found some replacement plugs
which I attached. I have no idea if it worked as I needed a 220v connection to
test the repair, which we don’t have on the boat. Patrick arrived in the
afternoon and looked very pleased when I showed him the repairs. We did not
hear any hip hop booming from the village in the evening but I hoped the
repairs did indeed work.
invited us ad Neil and Jesse (Red Thread) to join in a celebration in the
village of Yanapai, which we passed on the way up to Philamon’s village.
Philamon said that we should arrive at about 4pm and the girls would meet with
the women of the village while Neil and I joined in the Nakamal.
One of the houses in Yanapai |
We arrived
laden with gifts for the women and children, food, clothes carrot cake and
popcorn which the children went mad over. I went to the Nakamal and watched as
village elders too their turn in standing up and speaking, some following their
speech with by singing a parable that supported his speech.
No sure is she is enjoying the carrot cake? |
After all
the speaking was concluded the men formed a circle and started a traditional
dance with clapping hands and stomping of feet. Neil and I joined in (Jude was
amazed that I danced) and had a great time. We were told that the song sang during
the dance was about when the first white men came they were the devil but now
they were their brothers.
Nakamal meeting |
After the
dancing Neil and I were invited to drink some kava. Unlike in Fiji where the kava
root is with a pestle and mortar into a powder in Vanuatu the root is chewed by
the men and then spat out onto a leaf in a form of paste. The paste is then put
in a piece of coconut bark and water is added so that the water mixes with the
paste and strained through the bark before being placed in a half coconut to be
consumed. An interesting though that you are drinking a mixture of water, root
and spittle.
Philamon speaking at the Nakamal |
The rain
came down, we drank more Kava and chatted with the men before heading back to
the beach to have an alcoholic drink with some of the locals. All in all it was
a wonderful evening with lots of new experiences.
We had heard
about a village that existed on the island where all of the villagers still
wore traditional dress being grass skirts and Nambas or penis sheaths so we
arranged for Weri to take us there with Neil and Jesse.
The village
of Yekel is truly like stepping back in into medieval times. All the houses are
thatched pandanus and the people do indeed wear traditional clothing. We were
greeted by one of he local men who gladly showed us around the village and its
gardens and met a number of the local villagers along the way.
As wonderful
as it is I find it a bit awkward walking around these villages, I don’t exactly
blend in and feel like I am intruding on their lives but all of the locals were
wonderful and did not seem to resent our presence.
When we had
finished walking around the village the men and women of the village gathered
in main Nakamal of the village that was surrounded by some of the largest
banyan trees I have seen, one of which had a house high up in the branches. I
was invited to drink kava again and this time its effect was much stronger than
any of the previous times I had taken it. I felt quite euphoric.
The locals
then started one of their traditional dances with the men in the center of a
circle dancing, singing, clapping their hands and stomping their feet while the
women ran around the outside with the children. The dance was similar to that
seen in Yanapai but on a grander scale with women included.
If you are
interested in the village then watch the movie Tanna which is set in Yekel. Well
worth the watch.
We thoroughly
enjoyed our time in Vanuatu but left a little sad as we wanted to do so much
more for the locals. We had left them with clothes, food and lots of books and
stuff for the children but it simply does not seem enough for these wonderful
people but yet seem quite content with life as it is.
Granny with a machete |
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