– 30th June. Sitka
were assigned our slip in Sitka and all went ashore to have showers, buy some
provisions and have a general exploration of this interesting City. As we were
walking into town we spotted Olympic Mist, Mike’s boat. We wondered if he was
still here or had he already departed commercial fishing. Amber and Ben
strolled into town with Steve and Sandy and I went in search of an oil filter
so that I could change the oil in the engine when it would become due in a week
or so.
met up with the friends she had made in Kalinin bay, more provisioning, a visit
to the Raptor center, a long afternoon at the laundry and another look around
the city. Katya, Jude and Mike went to visit Kathleen Jo, another fishing boat
who had a viewing tank and in the tank was an Abalone called Abalonely because
he was all alone. Abalone used to be quite prolific along these shores but were
over harvested and now the growing sea otter population is preventing them from
re establishing.
harbor was bustling. There was a big opening (term used for by commercial
fishermen allowing them to go and fish) The 58ft Seine netting boats were
getting ready, buying provisions, fixing last minute problems, checking nets.
The commercial trollers were also busy getting ready. We had not seen a dock so
busy since we had been up in Alaska. As Jude and I were walking back from town
we saw Mike’s familiar face strolling down the dock. It was good to see him.
Katya would be pleased that she would see him before he headed out to go
fishing. He told us that he would be working on Charity and would be leaving in a day or so. He invited us back to
the boat to meet Tele, the girl who wrote “Hooked” the book Mike gave us, and
Martin their skipper. We agreed to meet up later when Katya was around.
Steve and Sandy very kindly took us all out to the wonderful Channel Club restaurant overlooking the water. It was a lovely night. We all put on the smartest and cleanest clothes we could find and were taken in a mini bus to the restaurant. The food certainly lived up to our hopes and expectations. I could not resist the prime rib, which was about an inch thick. Puddings were ordered and devoured with great enthusiasm despite the very large main course. It was a jovial and enjoyable evening. Thanks Steve and Sandy!
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