Saturday, June 8, 2013

Sandborn canal to Cannery Cove – 32.5 nm

Its getting to be a bit of a habit, changing plans that is. Our original intention yesterday evening was to continue north to no name cove in Tracy arm. The forecast was for 15 knot wind from the north. Which meant it would be on the nose again. The forecast also stated that the winds would change direction to southerly on Friday night and through Saturday.  So we decided that we could get a sail across Stephens passage today to Cannery cove on Admiralty Island and hopefully leave on Saturday with the winds behind us or on the beam to Tracy arm. Once out of Port Houghton the sails came up and we had 15 knots at 90 degrees, we made great time and speed doing 7.5-8 knots in sunshine. Nobody about again!

Cannery cove
Wow! Wow, Wow!   
I am not sure what I was expecting but whatever it was my expectations were exceeded immediately as we entered the anchorage. A relatively open bay with islands at the entrance and a grassy meadow at the head with a monumental snow covered bowl with waterfalls cascading down its face.
The guide books warned of rapidly shoaling areas and we dropped the anchor in 40 feet and sat back and looked at the amazing scene. We put the kayaks in the water and I went for a paddle, exploring the islands and fringes of the grassy areas at high tide seeing lots of wildfowl and an curious mink who darted about the rocks watching me watching him. After about an hour we spotted a mother bear with two cubs across the bay. I kayaked over with the camera and sat and watched them for about 15 mins at a distance of about 70 yards. The wind changed and the mother turned around, raised her nose, smelt me (it’s been a while since I had a shower), saw me in the kayak and stamped her front feet and roared at me and shot back into the woods with her cubs. It made my heart beat quite a bit faster. I paddled back towards the boat meeting up with Jude along the way. Jude had been watching her own black bear walking along the shore. The tide was well on its way out and as we approached the boat it was clear that we had anchored quite close to a shoal area. I could touch the bottom with the paddle and we were about 200ft from the boat. Although the boat was in 30 foot of water (tide has dropped) we decided we would have to move the boat in case the boat swung towards the shoal area in the night. It was unlikely but would play on my mind if I did not.

Cannery cove


check out the view

I have been spotted

During our kayak trip we had spotted quite a few crab on the bottom so we thought it worthwhile to drop the crab trap in the water. We spent the rest of the evening watching wildlife – more bears moving along the shore, bald eagles and deer. Still no wolves though. We even got to see and hear an avalanche in the great snow covered bowl.

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