Boat designers and naval architects go to a huge amount
of trouble to create a product that not only sails well, is fast and stable and has as much usable
space as possible below but are also pleasing to the eye. Careful consideration
is given to the lines of the cabin top, chine and top sides so the boat looks
sleek and streamline, then along comes the serious world cruiser and ruins all their
hard work by adding a wide selection of accoutrements. I believe there must be
some correlation between the amount of experience, or time cruising, of a
sailor by the amount of accoutrements a boat might have. A sailor new to
cruising will probably have a Bimini or other cockpit cover and a solar panel
or two but the list grows exponentially for the long term cruiser. For a start
they have a large number of jerry cans on deck to carry extra fuel and water,
additional gas bottles, kayaks, paddle boards, grills, fenders, life saving
devices, complex tilting solar panels, possibly multiple outboard motors, spare
main anchors, stern anchors, spare lines, wind vane steering, dinghy and even
pot plants and dog pee mats and much more. Once all that equipment is on board
everything is then covered with Sunbrella canvas to protect it from the harsh tropical
sunshine along with extra cockpit protection and full length boat covers. After
all that the original boat and it's sleek lines are hardly visible but it looks
ready to tackle any weather or situation the long distance cruising sailor
might find themselves in albeit their waterline has gone up a few inches. I personally
like the look, I believe they look seriously utilitarian rather than the vain beauty and
impracticality of many modern boats. I will be posting some more pictures of
mega cruising boats as I come across them or if you see any send me a pic to
Ah, the tramp steamer look. Do you know the material used in the last photo? Looks to provide shade yet allow air to move.