We departed El Cid Marina at
1pm so that we would sail through the night and arrive in the morning. Winds
were light when we left but they picked up at about 2am to around 7 knots on
the beam so I raised the sails and we made slow progress but that was OK as we
still had plenty of time. Then out of nowhere the winds increased to 15knots
then 20 then 25 gusting to 30, all within a couple of minutes. I still had all
my sail out so there was a mad panic to reef the sails. We were soon making 8
knots towards our destination which would ensure that we arrived in the dark so
I reduced sail further so we were only doing 4-5 knots which would mean that we
would arrive at dawn. Given the earlier light winds the seas were small but
they soon built to over 6 feet and short intervals with white caps but they
were coming from behind us, thank goodness, so the ride was comfortable.
Dawn broke as we rounded the
island headland to see that there were two boats in the anchorage. We scouted
out a potential area to drop the hook but we thought we would wait until it was
a bit lighter given that there are a number of hidden rocks and reefs. All the
guide books warn of a rocky bottom and the need for an anchor trip line. Some
fellow cruisers reported that they had to dive on their anchor in order to
retrieve it when the visited here.
One of the boats in the
anchorage advised us that they were leaving in about an hour so we decided to
wait until they left and drop the hook where they were. Sure enough they
departed and we went in and dropped the anchor where we thought they were. I
put on my snorkeling gear and went over the side to have a look at the anchor
and sure enough it was wrapped around a big boulder on the sea floor. If I had
dropped it about 30 feet further north it would have been in sand. Any way I decided
to leave it where it was. It was certainly secure and heaving it out now would
not necessarily guarantee a better set. Scot and Cindy on Velvet sky had come
into the anchorage and had the same problem with their anchor getting wrapped
around a rock. They decided that they would raise the anchor and carry on to
San Blas, another 40 miles. The rest of the day we relaxed and caught up on
sleep as we did not get much the previous night with all the excitement with
the change of winds. We did however go snorkeling in the amazingly clear waters
and saw an abundance of wildlife including a spotted eagle ray, whose body does
in fact look like a bird’s body if not an eagle. More boats came into the
anchorage and we tried to give them some advice as to where to anchor. One of
these boats was The Red Thread, a young couple who we met last year in
Effingham bay on the west coast of Vancouver Island whilst on their honeymoon.
They left Seattle at the end of September and are ultimately headed for Australia.
Our walk continued up a small
hill the top of which was home to the fabled Blue footed boobie along the
lesser known yellow footed boobie I presume, or was it a change in fashion?.
We met up with the crew from
Andante who had come down from Seattle in their motor boat. I think they were
as excited as we were to be there. One of their crew members was an Englishman called
Jamie who was in the middle of an adventure: running from Vancouver, Canada to Buenos
Aries. Yes, running. He had already completed over 4000 kms and still looked very
upbeat and energetic. See www.jamieisrunning.com
Other than the 4 boats in the
small harbor and a handful of panga fishermen we were the only people on the
island so it did not at all feel like a tourist trap. That is one of the
wonderful things about cruising in a boat: you can get to some remote and unspoiled
Anchor wrapped around a rock |
The following morning we
prepared for departure and I put on my snorkeling gear and checked that the
anchor was still wrapped around the rock. I slowly heaved on the anchor trip
line to try and lift the anchor out from under the rock and sure enough it came
free. Jude took in the anchor line and we set off for San Blas.
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