The few days we were in Monterey were spent socializing and
relaxing on the boat. The anchorage, just outside the breakwater, can roll the
boat in the swell, which was particularly bad on the first night.
Monterey Bay beach |
There is a massive sea lion population in Monterey and
they can be heard from the anchorage and you can also smell them if the wind is
in the wrong direction. They occupy the rafters under the piers and wharfs and
are quite an attraction for the thriving tourists. Sea otters are also in
abundance and although they seem slightly smaller than the Alaskan variety are
bigger than the river variety and just as amusing to watch.
We were set to depart Monterey at 7am but during my morning
engine check I found a stray bolt sitting in the bilge of the engine room. I
eventually traced it back to the 24v alternator bracket. So we delayed our
departure and James kindly took me ashore in his dinghy and we both walked the
3 miles to the hardware store. Once I was back on the boat the bolt was
replaced and off we went 2 ½ hours after our planned departure.
Santa Barbara is about 200 nautical miles from Monterey
which would mean an overnight passage. Light winds, again, meant that we would
be motoring but on the plus side the seas were calm and the swell insignificant
so it was quite a calm passage. During the day a huge pod of dolphins crossed
our bow. We estimated that there were over 200. Most carried on but some stayed
with us for a while and played in our bow wave.
The sun set and the moon was not out so only the stars
were visible until we neared Cape Conception where the oil rigs could be
spotted lit up like Christmas trees. The rigs showed up clearly on the radar
from over 12 miles away. As the sun rose we weaved our way through the rigs,
Irene, Harmony etc.
More dolphins appeared on our bow. We lay down on the
deck to get closer to them. They would turn on their sides and look at us. Some
were performing acrobatics swimming upside down, leaping out of the air and streaking
from one side of the boat to the other. The show seemed to go on forever and we
were all elated to have seen them.
Santa Barbara is a Mediterranean style town and we all
felt as if we had finally arrived in California. The sun shone, the water was
clear and blue and the locals were scantily clad. We toured around the town looking
at the mixture of rich and poor people on the well kept downtown street where
mosaic adorned fountains flowed and beggars slept.
We met up with Richard and Gerri and had a few drinks in
a nice bar overlooking the marina. Steve and Richard played pool with a couple
of locals and won!
Dawn departure |
We awoke early and left just before dawn for Catalina harbor
on the west side of Santa Catalina island 64 miles away. Dolphins played on our
bow again and we saw a couple of flying fish. Arriving at Catalina Harbor on
the west side of Santa Catalina harbor we dropped the hook near Abby Normal
(Island Packet pilot house) and Rapture (Beneteau 40) both bound for Mexico. Jude
went for a climb up the mountain and a 156 foot sail school tall ship came and
anchored near us in the harbor.
Santa Catalina Island - Check out the buffalo! |
View of Catalina harbor - Santa Catalina Island |
Isthmus Yacht club |
Twin Harbors - Catalina Harbor |
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