Friday, August 30, 2013

8th August Bull. Harbour to Winter Harbour. 58 miles.

Pacific Grace

We timed our departure to coincide with low water slack, it would have been better to transit the bar at high water slack but that would have meant a late departure. We crossed the bat with a high swell lifting the boat up around 15-20 feet at times, like a giant rollercoaster. Quite fun as they were not breaking waves / swell. We had followed another yacht out of Bull harbor – Loon and we followed them up the coats and passed them as we rounded Cape Scott. The currents slowed or progress through the channel to around 3 knots at times but it only lasted a mile or so. Loon headed off to duck into Otter Cove whilst we carried on to Winter harbor.
We tied up at the dock and met up with some people on another yacht, Larry, Karen and their 11 year old son Nathan on Seventh son. They are traveling around Van island from Saltspring. The told us that it would be $1 a foot to tie up with no water or electricity so we decided that we would anchor out having bought a few provisions at the small store. We also decided to put top up on fuel and water. The fuel dock manager was VERY gruff, to the point of being rude, most out of place. The water ran slowly and it took us about an hour to fill our water tank up before we departed for the North Harbour anchorage where Seventh Son was already anchored.
The winds picked to 25kts in the anchorage up in the morning so we decided to stay put. We baked some scones and Katya and I kayaked over to see the guys on Seventh Son. Katya and Nathan did some artwork whilst Larry, Karen and I chatted. In the afternoon Loon arrived in the anchorage along with Pacific Grace and another SALTS schooner with kids on board.

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